Version 3.0 (Build 4248) Released (April 2010):
This new major release fixes many Java bugs in the GUI and the logarithm frequency scale and gives the application an overall performance boost. The new features are in detail:
- Added a welcome screen with basic instructions what Sonogram is and how to Get a quick first glance of the programm. The welcome screen will be shown when the application starts first time.
- Added a floating information window in the main sonogram which shows the amplitude, frequency, time and level under the mouse.
- The logarithm frequency-scale was rewritten and became like the image smoothing functions a tolbar-button in the main window.
-The single spektrum view in the main window was rewritten and shows now a smarter spektrum image.
- The whole GUI was over-worked and the application startup procedure became like the image painting routines a strong a performance boost. The design became a facelift.
The new version is published via Java WebStart and was tested on any operating system (Linux/Mac/Windows). Java WebStart has a function to add the program to the start menu or the applications folder. Note that you must have installed a Java runtime at least in version 1.6 and optional java3d. A Windows Installer package (MSI) and a native Mac OS-X application is also available and should be preferred to the WebStart version